Saturday, March 10, 2012

Gabe's Pancakes of Glory

I made this today for my family and we were all blown away by the awesomeness.  If you're in the mood for rich, thick, sweet pancakes, then you're in the right place.

The key to this recipe is the Coconut oil as a substitute for the typically-american Butter.  You have enough fat & cholesterol with the eggs and milk, so why add more?  If you don't have coconut oil, go get some before you start.  You won't regret it.  It really is the key ingredient, more than you might suspect.  The ingredients stated below should feed 4-5 people just fine.  I tend to multiply it by 1.5 to feed my family of 6.  Your mileage may vary.  Your happiness won't.

Dry Ingredients: 
2 Cups Flour (white or wheat, your choice)
1 Cup Sugar
1 Tsp Salt
2 Tblsp Baking Powder

Wet Ingredients:
1.5 Cups of Milk
2 Eggs
4 Tsp Vanilla
0.5 Cups Melted Coconut Oil
Sprayable Olive Oil (for the skillet)


Start by putting a pot of coffee (or tea) on.  If it's cool outside, open the windows a bit to get a little breeze (not much.)  It is important to experience the hot coffee and cool breeze at the same time.  But not too cool, because you don't want to freeze your batter.. or your butt.

In a large mixing bowl, combine the dry ingredients.  You don't have to sift the flour.. who does that, really?  Just combine and mix well with a wire whisker.  (Not from a metal cat.  Although if you have a metal cat, I pity you.)   Begin preheating your skillet to around 325 F.

In a smaller mixing bowl, combine the liquid ingredients (minus the coconut oil) and them aside.  Take a sip of your coffee.  Take a deep breathe of your cool, fresh air coming in the window before you proceed.  This is most important: don't forget to take a deep, slow breath.

You might notice that the Coconut oil is listed in the wet ingredients, but in it's room-temperature state (below 78 F), it is solid.  Microwave to the rescue!  Heat it for 45-60 seconds to liquify it.  You don't want it molten, but you do want it a bit hot.  If it's not warm enough, the cold milk/eggs will cause it to thicken too quickly.  Gabe3000 prefers Glass Measuring Cups!

At this point you should have a small bowl of liquid gold coconut oil, a bigger bowl of the liquid ingredients, and a bigger bowl of the dry.  Combine the oil with the dry, stir enough to spread it around (don't waste your time stirring forever.)  You don't want to add the oil to the liquid bowl because the shock of the hot/cold will solify too quickly.. Next, combine the liquid with the dry/oil mix.  Stir slowly, not rapidly.  You want to mix, but not turn your batter into soup.  Stir out the big clumps and make sure there's nothing stuck to the bottom or sides of the bowl.

You should notice that the hot oil plus the cold milk are beginning to thicken.  This is good.  Take another sip of your coffee and another deep breath of fresh air.  Spray your skillet with Olive oil (not canola or that horrid 'butter flavored oil.'  If you're feeling frisky, put some coconut oil on the skillet instead of Olive oil.  Now you're rockin!
After thought:  If you're using a non-stick pan, such as what with Teflon coating, then you likely won't need to use oil on the skillet.  You also won't likely have living birds in your house, because cooking with Teflon-coated stuff kills birds.

You probably can figure out the rest from here.   However, in case you've never cooked pancakes before, use a 1/4 cup scooper to lay the batter out on the hot & oiled skillet.  Don't rely on time, but keep your eyes on the pancakes.. when the edges begin to pull up from the sides and the bubbles in the middles stop popping, you're probably ready to flip it.  Flip it.  Give it a few minutes to brown the other side, then stick on a plate.

And don't put butter on them.  You just had an amazing, butter-free experience.. don't ruin it by putting butter on it.  Just put syrup (natural is the best) on them, and enjoy.  And take your time.  You don't want to rush your morning.
After thought #2:  If you have extras, put them in a zip-lock bag and stick'm in the fridge.  Eat as a snack later.  You won't believe how delicious they taste on their own.